OLD BUSINESS: 1) LABS was at Matt’s on British Milds. Good turnout. Next is hosted by Art. George H offered to host WheatWine sometime this spring.
2) AleCraft HomeBrew Social: couple of members attended on Friday. First Fridays of each month at 7PM in the homebrew store.
NEW BUSINESS: 1) Greg, president of Granite Run came in to talk to us about the event he is running. Disc Golf and Homebrew competition. Day starts with ~72 disc golfers then set up tables and have the homebrew competition (crowd vote, judge vote; will have prizes for all; bring about 5 gal). About 8 beers entered so far. Tickets $10. Can camp afterwards. Next one is in Conowingo 9/24. He also talked about their club: 7 years, small club, interesting projects.
2) August Social: 8/25 after work at either Racers in Baltimore County or 5th Company, the newest brew-pub. Voted and 5th Company won.
3) Friendship Festival is October 1st. They invited us back. We will need volunteers and we need to know who’s bringing beers to serve. We had a discussion about whether to brew on the spot that day as this was always very difficult in the past.
4) Libations Cookout will be 9/17 at the Barn ~12-6PM for members and their families including kids. Our mid-year raffle will happen then. We sent out Slack request for help and sign-up with numbers of guests so we know how much food to get. We’ll have 2 beers on tap. Club will purchase hot dogs and burgers. Our Christmas Party will be Friday 12/2 at the Barn for members, guests, family members all being 21y.o. and over.
5) The next class at AleCraft is on Recipe Design on 8/16 presented by Marc ($25/ticket). Art will teach a water chemistry class in November. If anyone is interested in a topic to teach or learn more about, let us know. Sign up for these classes with AleCraft.
6) Board Meetings opened to 1 member to join/month. Matt joined the Board at Inverness, he had good input. If anyone is interested, reach out to the Board.
7) Marc can do a full water test via ITS. He’s done some already. If you are interested, let him know; let your tap run for a few minutes before filling the bottle. No charge.
8) Guild Holiday party is Saturday 12/3 at 6PM at Arbutus Community Association. Looking for volunteers as we can set up a table/theme. Time is running low on starting to plan this.
9) MD State Fair Homebrew Competition: club entered Shroedinger’s Cup. Kelly, Adi, Marc donated a bottle each.
10) Xmas beer: once more graciously hosted by George H on 8/27 starting at 9AM. Belgian Golden Strong based on Dave’s recipe. We need members to help.
FINANCIAL REPORT: $178 cash and $854.75 in bank account. Yearly insurance coming up. Members not associated to AHA: consider subscribing as it helps our club out. Many benefits to becoming a member. Please use our link for joining.
MINI-TECH CORNER: Next month is West Coast IPA. We have recipe samples and set on Slack as well. We had a mini-tech corner on the style.
BEERS: This was an open month. We had 2 beers from Art/Claire, 2 from Ken, an Irish Red from George. Steve brought a Wild Ale, John a Golden Monkey Clone; Kelly, Marc/Mike, brought their Milds from LABS and Linda/Adi brought a Hazy IPA.
See you in September! Cheers!